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Almost a new year, the chance to set things right, aim better, get on the mark. Happy New Year, l'shana tova, to all, whether or not it's your holiday. May it be a sweet & healthy new start, may you find your passion, & make a start on repairing the world.


I'll be off the next two days but a Monday Quote will magically appear nonetheless.

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Monday Quote

If you do not tell the truth about yourself you cannot tell it about other people.
~ Virginia Woolf

In the spirit of the New Year, I will be thinking about the truth of myself all day today & tomorrow.

I'm writing this the day before, Sunday morning. Right now I'm mostly looking forward to tonight's dinner but I'm hoping I slip into the spirit of self-searching & repentance in shul.

I will also think about what truth's I want to tell about other people, per Woolf.
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l'Shanah Tovah

Peaceful & healthy New Year, everybody.
Back on Sunday
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